Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre 2019/ Dve otvorene nedelje Plavog pozorista 2019
Belgrade, July 8 – 19, 2019
Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre is an international practical and theoretical program for people interested in work inside of a theatrical laboratory through specific methodology of Plavo Theatre. Our aim is to share with participants the idea of theatre as a place of communication, a place of self-researching and a space of open mind where some important things about us and the world that surrounds us could be said.
The program will consist of series of two main programs, two workshops, and participants will have the possibility to participate in the whole program or in the workshop by their choice.
As special innovations of Two Open Weeks 2019 program, we offer a new workshop designed in Plavo Theatre laboratory titled Flow Ability which will take place in the second week of the program and a workshop led by our guest-teachers from Italy, experts in personal development through theatre, Artistic-Cultural Association Aletheia, which will take place in the first week of the program.
The program is open for professional and semi-professional actors, directors, other theatre artists, dancers, as well as theatre and dance students but also all other people who are interested in theatre or self-research using the theatrical tools.
The program Two Open Weeks of Plavo Theatre was created out of the need to bring closer laboratory theatre work to international and Serbian participants and to make theatrical laboratory a place of intercultural communication, theatrical exchange and development. The program has been realized in Belgrade every summer since 2004 gathering participants from three continents.
Due to the support of the donors which sustained the program, this year there will be support provided (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European region.
- Monday, July 8, 20:00 Mythology of Soul Work in progress by Plavo Theatre
- July 9 – 13, 14:30 – 20:30 Human Growth through Theatrical Experience Workshop led by Artistic-Cultural Association Aletheia, Milan/ Italy
- July 14, 20:00 Mythology of Soul Work in progress by Plavo Theatre
- July 15 – 19, 15:30 – 21:00 Flow Ability Workshop led by Plavo Theatre
The program will be held in English.
Thanks to the support of the donors which sustained the program, we will provide additional support (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European countries:
Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Serbia.
Please contact us for information including additional support, fees, registration form or any practical information. E-mails: /
Note: The number of participants is limited. There is no a specific application deadline. After sending us registration form and getting a confirmation from us about their participation, interested participants should pay the fee to our bank account in order to book their place.
Human Growth through Theatrical Experience
Workshop, led by Artistic-Cultural Association Aletheia, Milan/ Italy
Five days of theatrical experience, during which, in addition to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the fundamental ethical-behavioral principles for life and theater: sacredness, awareness, discipline, energy, attention, listening, trust, etc., a practical experiential work is foreseen, which concerns the interaction between the IO (myself) and the Reality at the different levels of complexity, through the creation of specific “theatrical” situations, in which the main aspects and elements of the human experience can emerge and be developed:
- Communication and relationship with “the other from oneself” (the person of the other sex, the friend, the parent, the stranger, etc.), as well as within the group, in front of groups of people, with the space, objects, sounds, images.
- Managing emotions in difficult situations or in any case related to significant existential themes (loneliness, fear, love, risk, success, conflict, etc.).
- Creative ability and improvisational capability that allow the growth of one’s imagination.
The workshop will be led by Artistic-Cultural Association Aletheia members, Massimo Gianneti, Daniela Damiani and Saverio Fiano.
Participants should have a notebook and wear comfortable working clothes. The work will be held every day from Tuesday, July 9, to Saturday, July 13, from 14:30 – 20:30 with one half an hour long break.
Flow Ability
Workshop, led by PlavoTheatre
The program aims at raising the level of our productivity, creativity and precision. It consists of exercises and training which provide participants with knowledge and tools that can help them to enter flow – the state of high productivity, creativity and precision in their work and everyday activities. In that way the flow, a much desired state for all those involved in creative processes/activities, is no longer exclusively a matter of inspiration and becomes knowledge that is in our hands which can be repeated any time we need it. The work is based on the activation and increasing the capacity of our intention, initiative and energy.
Training system that makes it possible consists of three types of trainings and exercises: Human experience exercises, Capacity training and Integrative training.
Flow training system
- Human experience exercises – exercises that reveal everyday mindset through our personal experience, which prevents us from being able to maximize productivity and creativity.
- Capacity training – works on increasing and quality of our intention, initiative and energy.
- Integrative training – introduces us to a state called flow – a state in which we are productive, precise and creative at the same time.
Participants should learn by hart a text by their own choice (5 to 8 sentences long). Participants should have a notebook and wear comfortable working clothes.The work will be held every day from Monday, July 15, to Friday, July 19, from 15:30 – 21:00 with half an hour break.
July 8-14, 2018 / Belgrade
Flow Ability is a new international training program created in theatrical laboratory PLAVO Theatre for all people interested in working on self-development through theatre, which will be held in Belgrade from July 8-14, 2018.
The program aims at raising the level of our productivity, creativity and precision. It consists of exercises and training which provide participants with knowledge and tools that can help them to enter flow – the state of high productivity, creativity and precision in their work and everyday activities. In that way the flow, a much desired state for all those involved in creative processes/activities, is no longer exclusively a matter of inspiration and becomes knowledge that is in our hands which can be repeated any time we need it.
The work is based on the activation and increasing the capacity of our intention, initiative and energy. Training system that makes it possible consists of three types of trainings and exercises: Human experience exercises, Capacity training and Integrative training.
Flow training system
- Human experience exercises – exercises that reveal everyday mindset through our personal experience, which prevents us from being able to maximize productivity and creativity.
- Capacity training – works on increasing and quality of our intention, initiative and energy.
- Integrative training – introduces us to a state called flow – a state in which we are productive, precise and creative at the same time.
The program is opened not only for people in the sphere of contemporary theatre, but for all those who have a need to enrich their work and everyday activities with greater creative energy and a higher level of productivity, regardless of their profession.
The system of exercises and trainings is based on knowledge and experiences which PLAVO Theatre has developed within 22 years of work and existence in the sphere of theatrical anthropology and work with people through numerous educational projects, as well as projects aimed at individual and social development.
- Sunday, July 8th, 20:00 Concert of PLAVO theatre
- Monday, July 9th – Friday, July 13th, FLOW ABILITY international session (15:30 – 17:30 video sessions; 18:00 – 21:00 workshop)
- Saturday, July 14th, 20:00 Performance of PLAVO theatre
The work will be held in English.
- Registration fee for participants from the countries of the region (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia)– €90;
- Registration fees for participants from EU countries – €130.
Flow Ability 2018 Registration form
Note: The number of participants is limited. There is no a specific application deadline. After sending us registration form and getting a confirmation from us about their participation, interested participants should pay the fee to our bank account in order to book their place.
Please contact us for all additional information including registration form or any practical information.
Participants should learn by hart a text by their own choice (5 to 8 sentences long). Participants should have a notebook and bring comfortable working clothes.
Leaders of the work
Nenad Čolić – director, actor and pedagogue, was born in 1961 in Belgrade. Prior to the foundation of PLAVO theatre, he was a dancer, one of the founders of Theatre Signum, one of the first independent theatre companies in Serbia, later the actor of Dah Theater from Belgrade. In that period, he gained practical experience in working with the Odin Teatret actor, Torgeir Wethal. In 1994, he began directing, he worked in Milan with Massimo Giannetti, founder of the Italian theatre Specchi e Memorie, with whom he began a long cooperation.
In 1995, he founded PLAVO theatre – theatrical laboratory, in which he has been a director, pedagogue and actor. He directed all the performances of PLAVO theatre performed in Serbia and abroad at numerous theatre festivals. Since 1995, he has been leading various workshops and seminars in Serbia and internationally such as From Myself towards Theatre, Contemporary Theatre – Space of Open Mind, Contemporary Theatre – Mind and Technique, Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre, as well as ongoing educational projects such as Contemporary Theatre Studio, The Hearing Body, FLOW Ability.
Dejan Stojković – actor, musician and pedagogue, born in 1976. Member of PLAVO theatre since 2000. He has been a member of PLAVO Theatre – theatre laboratory since 2000. Since then he has performed in PLAVO theatre performances: Oscar Wild and Inconstant Prince (2000), Hirpertrophy of authority (2001), Sarcasticus or Birth of the Virus (2002), Fantastic Gospel According to Virginia (2003), Dialectics of Soul – Study of Freedom (2004), I Sing Like a Bird (2006), The Wizard or Harmonic Cacophony (2007), Dancing With Father (2008), Pagan Phantasma or The Secret of Betrayal (2011, 2012), Concert of Decadence (2011), The Day of Ahasverus (2014), Daydream – A Sory from Terezin (2016). To broaden his acting work, so far he participated in workshops led by Odin Teatret actor Iben Nagel Rasmussen and those led by teacher and former actor of Jerzy Grotowski’s Laboratory Theatre, Rena Mirecka. He assisted PLAVO theatre educational projects, such workshops Contemporary Theatre – The Space of Open Mind, Contemporary Theatre – Mind and Technique and continuous project School of Contemporary Theatre.
Test results
We had the opportunity to examine the whole methodology related to the Flow Ability program. The EEG apparatus was attached to one of the subjects before workout, during work and after the workout of the training. The results positively astonished us. The subject was given a certain task to work on before and after the training. There was an increase in productivity and creative finding of the solution by almost 200% while the subject was working on the task after the training. The overall state of the subject also changed (picture 1), as well as his mental performance (pictures 2 and 3). This enabled the subject to perform a greater degree of creativity and productivity.
After flow training we clearly see increased emotional reaction quality (horizontal axis).
After flow training we clearly see decreased brain exertion (do more with less brain activity).
After flow training we clearly see decreased brain effort (better output with less strain).
Interested in the presentation of the Flow Ability workshop, held in PLAVO theatre, I ventured to apply for the work. The thing that motivated me was the story of the people present at the presentation about the possibility of willingly ‘dropping’ into the Flow, about possibility to be in the state of high concentration whenever we needed it. I was also motivated by recommendation of my good friend who I appreciate and who has been working with PLAVO theatre for several years now.
What thrilled me the most was the full commitment of the leaders of the workshop to transfer their knowledge, to lead us to our personal limits and to show how to overcome them. It is necessary to have a lot of knowledge in working with people to motivate and push them forward, and to achieve it in ‘velvet gloves’. It is especially admirable that they dedicated themselves to each of us personally at the workshops so that the impression was almost of a mentor’s work.
Already after a few terms, I started to grasp the essence. At least for me, this was awareness of acts and processes that I had previously performed without thinking and which disturbed me in concentration and work, which all reflected on quality. I saw how to achieve and create in myself a motivation that would lead me to persist in pushing some work to the end. I saw how a breakthrough occurred to me. It does not mean that I no longer procrastinate, but it is clear to me now where it starts from. When it begins I have a way to be awake and focused on the job in order to leave procrastination for home.
Rade Martinovic
Through Flow Ability, I linked up with my own source of creative energy. My work requires accuracy and speed, and this experience helped me to be more focused, calmer and more productive.
I learned to experience tiredness as a current state that can be overcame by connecting with this source, not only at work, but also in other daily activities.
Jasmina Knezevic
International training program for performance artists and students
- July 16, 20:00 I Play Electra performance by PLAVO Theatre
- July 17 – 21, 11:00 – 16:00 Tuning the Body. Awareness workshop led by Kamila Klamut, Teatr Zar/ The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland
- July 21, 20:00 Doubts and Progress work demonstration by Kamila Klamut and Ewa Pasikowska, Poland
- July 23, 20:00 I Play Electra performance by PLAVO Theatre
- July 24 – 28, 11:00 – 17:00 From Myself towards Theatre workshop led by Nenad Čolić, PLAVO Theatre director
- July 26, 20:00 Sky Jewelled with Stars concert-demonstration, treasury of Serbian traditional songs, by PLAVO Theatre
- July 28, 16:00 Open Door presentaon of the participants’ work during the workshop From Myself towards Theatre open for public
- July 29, 20:00 Concert by PLAVO Theatre.
The program will be held in English
Two Open Weeks 2017 Registration form
Thanks to the support of the donors who sustained the program, we will provide additional support (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Serbia.
Please contact us for information including additional support, fees, registration form or any practical information. E-mails:,
Note: The number of participants is limited. There is no a specific application deadline. After sending us registration form and getting a confirmation from us about their participation, interested participants should pay the fee to our bank account in order to book their place.
Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre is an international practical and theoretical program for people interested in work inside of a theatrical laboratory through specific methodology of PLAVO Theatre. Our aim is to share with participants the idea of theatre as a place of communication, a place of self-researching and a space of open mind where some important things about us and the world that surrounds us could be said.
The program will consist of series of events: theatre workshops, performances, presentations, demonstrations, concerts, meetings, video presentations. There will be two main programs, two workshops, and participants will have the possibility to participate in the whole program or in the workshop by their choice.
Beside PLAVO Theatre work and a workshop led by Nenad Colic, PLAVO Theatre director, as a special innovation of Two Open Weeks 2017, participants will have the opportunity to meet with the work of our guest-teacher from Poland, coming directly from the source of Grotowski tradition. It is Kamila Klamut, actress from Teatr Zar/ The Grotowski Institute, who will lead training session in the first week of the program, assisted by Ewa Pasikowska from Teatr Zar
The program is opened for professional and semi-professional actors, directors, other theatre artists, dancers, as well as theatre and dance students and other people who are interested in theatre or self-research using the theatrical tools. The program Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre was created out of the need to bring closer laboratory theatre work to international and Serbian participants and to make theatrical laboratory a place of intercultural communication, theatrical exchange and development.
The program has been realized in Belgrade every summer since 2004 gathering participants from three continents.
Due to the support of the donors which sustained the program, this year there will be support provided (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European region.
Premijera nove predstave PLAVOG pozorišta “JA IGRAM ELEKTRU”
Premijera: petak, 12. maj u 20h
Repriza: petak, 19. maj u 20h
PLAVO pozorište, Zgrada BIGZ-a, Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 17, VI sprat
Ja igram Elektru je predstava bazirana na ličnoj ispovesti jedne glumice.
Scenario i režija: Nenad Čolić
Igra: Jelena Martinović
Scenografija i kostim: Ivana Čolić
Operativni direktor: Dubravka Vujinović
Dizajn plakata i programa: Ivana Čolić
Fotografija: Andrijana Pajović
Tekst: „Elektra“ Euripid u prepevu Danila Kiša, Virdžinija Vulf, izvodi iz naučnih eksplikacija o fenomenu Elektrinog kompleksa i lični tekstovi glumice
Muzika: tradicionalne pesme iz Crne Gore, ‘Falling in Love Again’ Marlene Dietrich, numere iz filma ‘All That Jazz’: ‘After You’ve Gone’, ‘Some of These Days’ I ‘There’ll Be Some Changes Made’
“Ono što me je privuklo savremenom antropološkom pozorištu i vezalo uz Plavo pozorište je mogućnost susreta sa sobom samom i upoznavanja sebe, traganja za odgovorom na pitanje ”Ko sam ja?”. To je nešto jako retko i dragoceno. Nešto što, posle višegodišnjeg procesa, dovodi do prihvatanja i ljubavi prema sebi. To dalje otvara mogućnost mira sa sobom i bliskosti sa drugim ljudima. Hrabrost i borbenost postaju veći, a strah manji. Tada duša počinje da peva (kao što je to rekao jedan mudar čovek)…”
Molimo vas da zbog ograničenog broja mesta najavite dolazak. Cena ulaznice: 300 dinara.
Kontakt:, T: 061 192 79 09