International training program for performance artists and students
- July 16, 20:00 I Play Electra performance by PLAVO Theatre
- July 17 – 21, 11:00 – 16:00 Tuning the Body. Awareness workshop led by Kamila Klamut, Teatr Zar/ The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland
- July 21, 20:00 Doubts and Progress work demonstration by Kamila Klamut and Ewa Pasikowska, Poland
- July 23, 20:00 I Play Electra performance by PLAVO Theatre
- July 24 – 28, 11:00 – 17:00 From Myself towards Theatre workshop led by Nenad Čolić, PLAVO Theatre director
- July 26, 20:00 Sky Jewelled with Stars concert-demonstration, treasury of Serbian traditional songs, by PLAVO Theatre
- July 28, 16:00 Open Door presentaon of the participants’ work during the workshop From Myself towards Theatre open for public
- July 29, 20:00 Concert by PLAVO Theatre.
The program will be held in English
Two Open Weeks 2017 Registration form
Thanks to the support of the donors who sustained the program, we will provide additional support (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Serbia.
Please contact us for information including additional support, fees, registration form or any practical information. E-mails:,
Note: The number of participants is limited. There is no a specific application deadline. After sending us registration form and getting a confirmation from us about their participation, interested participants should pay the fee to our bank account in order to book their place.

Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre is an international practical and theoretical program for people interested in work inside of a theatrical laboratory through specific methodology of PLAVO Theatre. Our aim is to share with participants the idea of theatre as a place of communication, a place of self-researching and a space of open mind where some important things about us and the world that surrounds us could be said.

The program will consist of series of events: theatre workshops, performances, presentations, demonstrations, concerts, meetings, video presentations. There will be two main programs, two workshops, and participants will have the possibility to participate in the whole program or in the workshop by their choice.

Beside PLAVO Theatre work and a workshop led by Nenad Colic, PLAVO Theatre director, as a special innovation of Two Open Weeks 2017, participants will have the opportunity to meet with the work of our guest-teacher from Poland, coming directly from the source of Grotowski tradition. It is Kamila Klamut, actress from Teatr Zar/ The Grotowski Institute, who will lead training session in the first week of the program, assisted by Ewa Pasikowska from Teatr Zar
The program is opened for professional and semi-professional actors, directors, other theatre artists, dancers, as well as theatre and dance students and other people who are interested in theatre or self-research using the theatrical tools. The program Two Open Weeks of PLAVO Theatre was created out of the need to bring closer laboratory theatre work to international and Serbian participants and to make theatrical laboratory a place of intercultural communication, theatrical exchange and development.
The program has been realized in Belgrade every summer since 2004 gathering participants from three continents.
Due to the support of the donors which sustained the program, this year there will be support provided (accommodation and travel costs) for participants coming from Central European region.